
We brought him home late in the afternoon. I was three years old. As the only kid in the family, I always felt lonely. So my parents made a decision that changed my life.

We walked in the tiny grocery store. My parents knew they had a few dogs for sale in there and asked if we could see them. The lady at the counter disappeared into a room and came out a few seconds later with a box of chihuahuas and a box of Boston terriers. I’ve only seen chihuahuas before and thought they looked creepy like evil dolls, so I chose to see the box of Boston terriers instead. As the lady uncovered the top of the box, three pairs of innocent-looking eyes gazed up like they just discovered the world for the first time. I gasped at the adorable sight of these three tiny snowballs cuddling together. The smallest one caught my eye and I knew right away that he was the one I wanted.

After we drove home, I hopped out of the car with the feeling of excitement. I held the box like it was a treasure chest and peered into it. I saw him curled up like a ball of fur shivering and trembling. I touched his head gently and stroked his super soft fur, hoping he will like his new home and family soon. That night, we named him Dudu, just because it seems like a cute and funny name, which absolutely suits him. He is now 12 years old, and I still cannot forget about the day that we welcomed him into our family.

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